Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kindergarten Confusion

I was curious why we hadn't received any information in the mail for Lucas' kindergarten and stopped by the office for a duplicate package after learning we were entered in the system but didn't get it in the mail for some reason.

The reason became clear when I arrived and talked with the principal. They had him registered for Grade One and they were confused by his Kindergarten registration forms. We both looked a little puzzled and I explained that we wanted him in Kindergarten this year and had decided to hold him out one year. I was unsure why it was an issue at all as it is my understanding that July and August birthday boys are often held back one year.

I apologized for not consulting the school system (didn't cross my mind that I would have to) and reiterated our wish for Kindergarten. She asked me why not Grade One - I explained that last year he really didn't have any desire to work on fine motor skills, wasn't holding a pencil well, didn't cut well, had a short attention span, was emotionally fragile and sensitive. None of these things will be issues this year.

She said he didn't need to write his name or read to enter Grade One and still seemed to want him in Grade One. She explained to me that they prefer to get young boys in K at 4 and then repeat K if necessary. I don't think she appreciated that we had made that decision for her.

Oh dear, I hope I haven't made an enemy in the early days. I'll have to work to ensure she doesn't view me as a rabblerouser :) But, knowing Lucas as I do, I don't have a single doubt that we did the right thing.

He is a slow, methodical and thorough learner - he simply couldn't keep up with his class if he were the absolute youngest and a slower processor. He cannot tolerate sitting still for very long at almost-6, that would have been very difficult at only 4. I could go on and on with the reasons why it will benefit Lucas to be the oldest in his class. Let's just say that he will be fine in Mrs. Henry's class this year. I can't wait to see him flourish and thrive - the worst case we might encounter is that he is far ahead of the other's. Because he is not a confident boy by nature, I can only hope he gets such a leadership position in the classroom.

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