Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tooth Fairy Mishap Averted

I trust that it will be some years before Lucas ever reads this blog so I think I can safely discuss the tooth fairy in real terms.  We don't go out of our way to sell the concept, but we don't really deny her existence either.

Lucas officially lost his first tooth this week - the bottom front right one.  It had been hanging by a thread for several days so I was glad to see it pop out.  In fact, it was sitting perpendicular to his gums on occasion - gross!

He put his Sonic slurpy to his lips at lunch on Tuesday and out it came.  I dutifully took care of it until we got home and Lucas excitedly put it under his pillow for the night time exchange.

I had a meeting that night so I begged Craig to remind me to handle it ... he forgot.  I forgot.

The next morning, Lucas excitedly looked under his pillow and came racing out to say "It's gone! The tooth is gone but there's no money!"

I encouraged Lucas to race upstairs and relate the crisis to Craig so I could do damage control.

We were saved by the slippery ziploc bag.  Lucas' tooth had slipped down to the floor at the head of his bed, thereby explaining the disappearance.  Now, how was I going to get around the "no money" issue?

I saw a wadded up tissue tucked under one of his pillows, so I ran for four quarters and put the money in a ziploc under the tissue.

"Have you checked under the tissue yet? You'd better come check again just in case," I yelled up the stairs.

Whew - that was a close one. There are only so many more years that I can try to "pull one over' on Lucas.  I guess if worst came to worst, I could have claimed the tooth fairy couldn't fly in the wild storm that hit us Tuesday night and we'd have to try again the next night.

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