Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Picking Somebody

Lucas is entering the unfortunate stage of having to "pick" someone or be "picked" by others.  I think it's causing him some stress.

Each day, one of the students provides the snack for the whole class.  The Mom or Dad drops the snack at the office for pick up later.  Then, he or she gets to choose someone to help bring the snack down from the office.  Snack day is a big deal.  The friend you pick to help you is a big deal.

Now, the process of "picking" someone means you necessarily exclude a whole bunch of others.  Lucas was lamenting the fact that no one ever picks him.  When I wondered if someone gets picked all the time, he couldn't really tell me.  I also asked him if Conor gets picked all the time?  or Gracie? or Stephen? and he had to admit that, no, they didn't get picked very often either.

When I asked him who he was going to pick on his next snack day, he quickly clarified he wasn't going to pick the boy who makes "weird noises".  Oh dear ... is that a good enough reason not to pick someone? I asked.  "Yes" he answered.

Hmmm.... he's struggling with being left out.  He's struggling with considering others' feelings.   I have to say, I am not a fan of this whole "pick a friend" concept.  Six year olds don't handle it so well.  I'm not sure Mom's handle the explanations well either.  Input welcome :)

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