Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Meatballs on the Menu

It was our best movie experience yet.  "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" had Mya laughing, Lucas jumping with excitement and it was a good movie.  Better than "Up!" in my opinion, which was our last movie adventure as a family.

I am so excited about the possibilities this success may bring.  Imagine .... I may actually get to see some movies again.  Albeit, kids' movies, but movies just the same.

Craig and I, bk (before kids) used to attend a ton of movies.  When we lived in Lethbridge, I think that's almost all we ever did if we went out.  I knew what was in the theaters, I knew what was coming to the theaters and I could watch the Oscars like an intelligent viewer.  Not anymore ... sigh.

Speaking of meatballs .... I have taken on a new venture in our house and I'm thinking it's a good one.  One night a week, Lucas prepares a "Special Supper" and then on another night it is Mya's turn.  Last week Lucas chose corn on the cob, spaghetti and meatballs and cherry cobbler.

This is our second week and I am liking it very much.  It is taking a lot of preparation and attention, but if I ever want to hand over the cooking duties in future I have to start somewhere.  If I want my kids to be capable in the kitchen I have to start somewhere. 

I ask the kids a couple days in advance what will be on the menu.  I get them to shop with me to select ingredients and they are involved in the cooking as much as possible.  They decide where we'll be eating - tonight Mya chose the front porch and I think the biggest hit has been the desserts. 

Can't wait to find out what Lucas has in mind for this Friday.  I'd like it to be something easy that we already have in stock, but since he's the one in charge, who knows?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lucas. Spaghetti has always been one of my favorites, especially with meatballs.
