Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Rules

It would seem that one of the dominant features of kindergarten for Lucas is the rules. He comes home each day and says "We have to ..." and "She said that ...." and "During nap we have to ....".

I don't hear any real anxiety or worry in his voice when he's relaying the information. It really sounds like just that - information. I understand how Lucas works and he is merely processing.

He will often repeat something over and over as he's thinking it through. Most often he's talking to himself and I don't need to interact or reply. I think he is a slow, repetitive, methodical thinker who works at understanding something very deeply. Once he gets something he truly gets it. Lucas does not gloss over anything. He may miss things because he's absorbed with the current thing, but he will not be superficial in his treatment of anything once it is in front of him.

This slow, thorough approach is one of the main reasons I felt Lucas needed to wait for Kindergarten. He could not afford to be the youngest and behind in any way while he is fully processing his surroundings.

Soon, he will stop talking about all of these new expectations as he files them away fully taken care of. I admire his deep treatment of things. I'm more like a humming bird flitting from thing to thing quickly. Lucas will not be like me, nor should he be. I appreciate his differences and I think if he's given enough time, he will capable of anything!

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