Sunday, November 8, 2009

First Trip to the Principal's

If you're my facebook friend, you've already heard the news ... Lucas made his first official trip to the Principal's office last week.  The offense?  Kissing a girl named Skye.

As much as I can figure, Lucas kissed Skye on the bus - I mean on the lips.  Then, when the Principal called them into her office the next day and sat them on a bench outside her office, they were kissing again!  In the office!!

Yipes!  Since I don't have the full story and it's tricky getting that out of Lucas, I wasn't sure how to respond.  First off, I spoke with the Principal when she called to explain one more bus offense and Lucas won't be able to ride the bus for a week.  (Don't tell him this punishment, as he would view this as a reward and goodness knows what he would dream up to get out of riding the bus!)

Then, I waited to see what Lucas would say when he got home.  To his credit, he told me he "had something important to show me" before he got to the front porch and he immediately pulled out the "incident report" the school had sent home.

I sat him down at the kitchen table and asked him for the story.  No other kids made them kiss. He admits it was his idea.  They didn't stop when told to.

So, we talked about the rule - no kissing at school or on the bus - EVER.  What are you going to do if some kids make you kiss someone?  Say Stop.  What if Skye wants a kiss?  Say no.  Are you going to kiss someone at school again?  No.

Role playing seems to help Lucas because he just isn't socially savvy enough to think on his feet.

Dear Lord, I hope the role playing helps :).  I'm glad we've raised a lover and not a fighter, but I really didn't expect to have girl problems in Kindergarten.   This could be a long road.

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