Thursday, November 12, 2009

Self-Imposed Quarantine

Lucas started to sniffle and cough following his flu shot on September 21st.  He has been sick almost every single day since.  You can read all about our Canadian escapades here.

Finally, after a weird, high, sudden fever on Sunday that laid him flat for a couple hours, I got fed up and decided I would keep him home for a few days - all week if need be.  As it turns out, a week is what he needed.

He has been feeling much better but his cough, albeit occasional, is still deep and congested sounding.  He probably could have gone today but yesterday afternoon Mya spiked a fever and felt yucky.  With a bug clearly still in habitation in our home, I decided to keep Lucas home until Monday.

When my kids are sick, it is an anxious time.  I really dislike the helplessness of it all.  These things have been mild but enough is enough I say.  A self-imposed quarantine is about all I can do to try and help the situation. 

We're bored and wishing we could go do stuff, but surely we should be healthy by Monday right?  Not necessarily because Craig is still coming and going and who knows what hitches a ride?  Sheesh - will it ever end?

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