Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lucas and Russell

Did I tell you about Lucas getting bit by a dog when he was little?  I can't remember if that warranted a blog entry - it should have because it has had lasting effects.

Craig and Lucas were walking around our neighborhood when he was small (he had to be older than 18 months and younger than 3 - isn't that terrible, I have no idea?).  Anyway, a big ol' English sheep dog came roaring out of his yard around dusk and bit Lucas behind his ear.  A small puncture wound was all that you could see, but, as you might guess, it left Lucas with a lasting fear of dogs.  Such a shame because he actually seemed to be on his way to being a dog person like his Dad before that incident. 

For this reason, it is such a pleasure to watch him warm up to Russell. Lucas regularly takes Russell for walks, only after getting him to sit properly while he attaches the leash.  He is aware that he has to check if doors and gates are closed to keep Russell safe.

But this morning, I knew Russell had won Lucas over when Lucas came out of his room with one of his Webkinz and he announced he would be giving it to Russell to chew.  "Are you sure?  He might tear it all up?", I pointed out.  "That's okay, I want him to have it." 

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