Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Oh bother. Lucas is entering the age of killing, shooting, taking lives, war and military - all in the name of play. I knew it was coming, but I have to say, I'm not thrilled to arrive at this point in his development.

I get it. Boys like that kind of shoot-em-up play. Heck, Craig has me addicted to Jonah Hex comics lately. I'm a fan of Dexter too. It's irresponsible to just pretend the world isn't filled with violence and play intertwined. (I'm a big hockey fan by the way).

I try to counter the play with some discussion about how real killing and shooting is not a good thing. It is a serious thing. Lucas is not quite old enough to hear the story of the UAH professor who opened fire in Huntsville last week killing three and wounding three, but this is the very thing that makes me queasy.

How do I balance the natural draw of play-fighting and gun-play with peaceful choices?

I am saved by Lucas' sweet nature. I don't think his investment in killing-play will run too deep. I overheard him say today "I'm tired of that killing game," and I thought "Oh, thank goodness."

If I stand by and continue to provide options to violence maybe we can pass through all this killing-nonsense unscathed. I hope to prepare him for its inevitable presence in play, but also instruct him how it cannot pass over to real life. I need him to demand a real world that is peaceful and does not value violence as a solution to problems.

Mother Theresa said, "If you want world peace, go home and love your families". I think that is the best I can do.

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