Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Screen Time

Lucas' life will surely be one of trying to find balance between living in the real world and living online. The internet is a fact of life now and it will surely be even more ever-present when Lucas reaches adulthood.

Given the choice, Lucas is always going to choose computer, didj, field journal, tv, or movies. Heaven help us when/if we get a game system of some kind. He is not going to eagerly or willingly go outside of his own accord, jump at playing a sport or sit down with his sister for imaginative play.

Much as I would like it be otherwise, the truth is, Lucas is a geek.

With two geeks for parents, I guess he didn't have much hope:) Given our druthers, Craig and I would gladly while away the hours surfing. We get excited about new technologies and we have fully integrated the internet into many areas of our lives. Give us a movie and we're happy.

Craig's theory is that gamers will rule the world. Everyone knows that cyber-terrorists already pose a real threat. If the internet is attacked, the world could be shut down.

Lucas is going to need knowledge. He is hungry to learn, but my challenge is help him find balance.

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