Monday, March 29, 2010

For the Love of Monopoly

I had a hunch Lucas would love Monopoly and boy was I right! He is a fanatic!

We set up the board a couple weekends ago and it's barely left our table. He immediately grasped all of the concepts. He whipped me when he purchased all the railroads and utilities in our first game.

Yesterday, Craig was having to get aggressive, just to keep up. I overheard him purchasing hotels by the handful and I wondered if he was slaughtering Lucas? Not the case at all, he was just trying to keep it even!

When I proposed a sale of a property Lucas might want, I asked for slightly over the price. He quickly replied "nope, I'd pay a dollar". :) Savvy negotiating without an ounce of instruction. The reverse was also true, he upped a price on a property I wanted without batting an eyelash.

I am learning so much about him as I watch him play. It's clear he has a mathematical mind and he loves the structure and order of game-playing. He with the most money wins ... that is likely going to be Lucas most of the time :)

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