Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Mathematically Inclined

It would seem that math is coming easily to Lucas and I couldn't be more excited about that. My last post was about his uncertainties and doubts, but, arithmetic is clearly something he does with ease.

He doesn't realize he's even doing it, but he picks up all things mathematical very quickly. He flies through any homework sheets with simple addition and his love of games surely is linked to patterns and numbers.

He is glancing at the die now and recognizing the numbers without counting the dots and he's doing easy math without thinking. He's also understanding the money in Monopoly better every time we play. He handed me $250 the other day without even thinking about it. Originally he was confusing "one hundred" with "one dollar". Sometimes he tries to hand me $151 instead of $160 but that understanding is coming along too.

Tonight when I was complementing him on his math, he said "yeah, I'm good at math" and that's a great thing to know so early.

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