Wednesday, April 28, 2010

You Can Do It

How best to teach confidence? Sometimes, I see signs of uncertainty and doubt in Lucas. He does not always truly see his strength and power.

For example, in his mind, he can't read. I have ample evidence to the contrary and he reads many words, many sentences and has even read complete books to me. Even knowing all of that to be true, Lucas still hasn't made the connection and does not consider himself to be a reader.

He doubts his ability to do some physical tasks and "I'm not very good at that," comes out of his mouth.

I can certainly try to counteract all of those message with different ones and I do. Honey, you are an excellent reader. You can do it. I think you're fantastic at that. You're already doing it.

But my words don't change that initial message Lucas tells himself. That is what I need to consider. How can I help him change his internal doubting dialogue? I'm his Mom - I'm supposed to think he's great. I want Lucas to know he's great.

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