Monday, May 17, 2010


Have I ever mentioned Lucas' BFF? She has long flowing dark brown hair, brown eyes and she's almost a head shorter than Lucas. Her name is Gracie and she and Lucas have been inseparable for most of the school year.

Lucas spends so much time sitting with Gracie, playing with Gracie and listening to Gracie that he has even called Mya "Gracie" a time or two.

She loves Scooby Doo and pizza. When I ask Lucas why he likes Gracie, he replies "because she likes me". Simple enough.

They are both hoping they are in the same first grade class next year. But, just in case they are not, I wanted to record her impact here.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, "because he or she likes me" is the main reason I spend a lot of time with someone. It is a really good reason.
