Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baby Whisperer

As Lucas grows, it is becoming very apparent that he has an extremely special gift - he is fascinated with infants. He can connect instantly with them and he gives of his love and attention freely whenever a little one is around.

When Mya was born, "get off of Mya" was my constant refrain. I didn't give Lucas enough credit though. What I thought was a threat to her safety was actually this deeply ingrained instinct he has to make a strong bond with all little kids.

We were around a 7 day-old baby a few weeks ago and Lucas got down on the floor and put his face near the baby. He spoke with a soft and sweet voice. He spoke with an inherent understanding that this little creature was an individual human being.

When we visited Kid Venture a couple days ago, he spent a large part of his time in the toddler area playing one-on-one with a 2 year old. He cleaned up all the balls this boy threw out of the ball pit, he encouraged him to enter the tree house and he followed him around making sure he was having fun.

Later that night, when we reviewed his day and he shared his favorite part of the day? Playing with the little boy. "I was so proud of him, he climbed the ladder and made it all the way to the top. That was my favorite part of today."

It isn't that Lucas is immature, but more like he cares deeply that little ones have a meaningful and fun experience. It is clear that he can't stop himself from zeroing in on any baby within a mile :)

He is part playmate, but also caretaker. He is soft, but directive. He seems to know instinctively the tone and energy to use when in an infant's presence. Simply amazing!

Babies matter to Lucas in a way I have never witnessed in another child.

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